
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Seafood and Fisherman's Food

I had always been a seafood lover. Growing up in Penang island, great seafood is just easy to find. There are countless seafood restaurant that serves fresh seafood. My personal favorite during those time includes all sorts of clams, prawns, squid and crab.

When I moved to JB about 4 years ago, I suddenly felt that the seafood here are quite bland especially prawn and fish. I had thought that maybe the seafood here are different because of the different sea environment. I was wrong. I only found out this when I made a trip to Sungai Rengit and tasted the prawn there. Ever since, I would travel hundreds of kilometers to find good seafood. I would drive 3 hours to Sungai Duyong in Melaka, Kukup in the western coast of Johor, Mersing in the east of Johor. Only the former is worth the trip. Once I even drove along the old trunk road by the west coast sea side that leads to Batu Pahat to look for seafood restaurant. At a different time, I drove all the stretch of eastern Johor coast..

Since I step into Tanjung Leman, I started to recover back my long lost seafood taste. It is even better than when I was in Penang. Nowadays, snapper, grouper, mackerel, lobster, prawn and crab become so in reach. In the normal circumstances, fisherman would have sold those as it fetches high price from the middleman that sold it to the expensive restaurant. Most fisherman would reserve Tigertooth Croaker, mackerel and small black promfet for their own consumption because these fish taste is among the best but at the same time does not fetch a high enough price for them to give away. The fact that I'm doing it partly for pleasure, I get to enjoy the best out of it.

Lobster maggie for breakfast
Home cook steamboat for two adult
Home cook Teochew Steam Roving Coral Grouper

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